
better homes and gardens plan a garden tool

Plan Your Garden Season in 5 Minutes Flat



Imagining everything I'm going to grow has me like...

Then I remember that THIS HAPPENED

just last week 🤦‍♀️

(True story).


The reality of gardening (especially when it comes to figuring out planting dates) is, ahem, QUITE a bit messierthan my IG profile would lead one to believe.

At the end of the day

all of the blood, sweat, and spreadsheets

leave me feeling a bit depressed, which brings us to THIS:


Trays after tray of seedlings nestled in their freshly prepped garden beds.

Weed the larkspur only to discover that what you thought was larkspur was actually ragweed and you must have pulled every single legitimate larkspur seedling, leaving only allergies and tears in its wake.

Harvesting so much that I am passing zucchini like I'm a  quarterback to everyone I meet.

Making a tin foil hat for myself instead of my zucchini stems becauseNOTHING will deter the squash bugs.

Sipping tea on the front porch after a day's work, admiring  perfectly manicured beds.

Crashing into bed at 11:45 pm, only to have to wake up at 5:30 the next morning to weed and pick anything that is ready before my day job.

I realized I was looking at it all wrong..

…I didn't need to spend more time imagining what I wanted to happen, I needed HELP. That's when I came up with the plan to grow method that does the hard work for me!

Meet your new best friend…


(formerly known as the Flower Assistant)


I came up with a comprehensive planning system – that is now automatic! The Garden Plan is an online planting calculator that plans everything you need to do to grow your garden(so that you can spend your evenings binging Netflix instead of drowning in seed catalogs and spreadsheets).

the Garden Plan is for everyone who needs more than the  back of a seed packet


Feature #1: Automatic Planting Calculator

Generate all of your planting dates with a click of a button!

The Garden Plan's Automatic Planting Calculator takes a huge load off of your mental stress (and saves you $ in dead plants) by doing the planning for you.

You get:
+ the right dates to plant all of your varieties
+ hours of valuable time back (no more late nights searching Facebook groups for answers)

Feature #2: 145 Pre-filled Seed Stats

The BEST VARIETIES to grow (that are also easy to start from seed)!

145 seed varieties and their necessary planting dates. The Garden Plan already has all of this data formatted in its calculations!

You get:
+ to rest easy (and stop the mental hamster wheel) knowing that your varieties will be able to withstand whatever the weather throws at them.
+ a single source of valuable information (no more scouring random books to find spacing for okra)

Feature #3: Personal Project Planner

Make your planner work for you!

Custom controls in the Garden Plan means you can make your plans fit your life! Just the way it should be.

You get:

+ complete personalization so that you can add in specific dates.
+ weekly & monthly checklists
+ a custom 2022 calendar with  printable + digital versions

Basically, it's everything you didn't know you wanted and exactly what you need to make 2022 da' (Yes, I AM extremely sleep deprived while writing this. Thank you for noticing. I still think you should buy it despite the terrible early 2000's references to things like the

We haven't even gotten to the best part yet!  The Garden Plan is…


You can request for more varieties.

You are ready to get planning ASAP! No more scrolling through endless books, the Garden Plan comes with 145 varieties and their data pre-programed, but everyone knows there are WAY more things than that that we allshould be growing 🤣🌷✔ If you want new varieties added – no problem! Simply submit a form and we'll get you set up and growing.

Change the transplanting and direct seeding time periods.

You can make a plan that works for your season and microclimate. No two locations are exactly the same!

Plan for personal events (including Aunt Tilda's🎂🥳💃)

You can be sure you're there for all of the important stuff!


An amazing 2022 garden because you have a PLAN.

you'll come away with...

An App In Your Back Pocket That Crunches Numbers For You

No more wasting time counting out dates and scheduling multiple varieties. I had one person message me and say she now feels like a tech genius because it's so easy to use!

Checklists So That You Stay On Top Of Your Garden Chores

Never forget to plant that squash again. The monthly and weekly checklists are there to save you from forgetting all that you want to do!

Community Support So You Can Share Your Garden Success

The Garden Plan Facebook Group is the place to be to share all of the awesome things you do this year!

A completely custom 2022 growing calendar for ONLY $27. It's crazy.




If you're not 100% satisfied with the Garden Plan, after 14 days, I will offer you a full refund.


How long will it take me to use the Garden Plan?

It's so fast, especially if you are using the pre-set values.

If you want to add in more custom options it might take you a little longer. This is one of the reasons we'll be having a live workshop, so that we can plan 2022 together!

If I use the Garden Plan, how can you guarantee it will work for my climate?

The Garden Plan is based on published research and growing information.

You simply add your frost dates to Garden Plan's Planting Calculator and get a personalized calendar.

All that being said, none of this will guarantee a certain variety will work for your microclimate. For instance, did you know that gypsophila (aka Baby's Breath) doesn't like acidic soil? It can handle alkaline soil, sandy soil, clay soil, but not acidic. The perennial variety is hardy up to USDA zone 3!

I so wish it were possible to add all of the seemingly minor nuances that go into the art and craft of gardening into the Garden Plan, but it's just not possible yet. Maybe we can make an iRobot version at some point 😉

What if I buy the Garden Plan and it doesn't work for me, do you offer refunds?

I currently follow a lunar calendar, does the Garden Plan take the moon cycles into its calculations?

So many people plant according to the moon cycle! I love it. But I also do not understand how it works one iota. It's on my list of things to learn, I just haven't dedicated the time to it yet. Hopefully I can figure it out and see if there is a way to add it into the garden planner!

What is your stance on BLM and diversity? I do not feel comfortable supporting any companies or people that aren't willing to take a stand on these issues.

So, I am very privileged, and very (very) white. And I'm not going to start spewing out any virtue signaling or saying, 'I'm doing xyz, because I'm NOT racist, yay me!" Mostly because, one, BARF. And two, I honestly don't know how to dismantle systematic racism. It's everywhere.

What we can do ("we" meaning white peeps)  is have honest to God conversations with our friends and families and work on our hearts (and laws!).

That all being said, if your spending budget for the rest of the month is $27, and you have to choose where to spend your money, then please, please, PLEASE give it to someone who is not me. Give it to the man without a home at the end of the street, or buy a toy for your kid for Christmas, and then send me an email and we can figure out a situation.

I want you to be able to access the Garden Plan but I want people's bellies to be full and their clothes to be dry more. Times are hard. Very hard, especially, for people who don't look like me.

How do I access the actual calendar and checklists? Is it a pdf? Or does it get sent to me in the mail?

At the very bottom of the page of the Garden Plan there's a button you'll click to generate your calendar. It creates a pdf that you can print from home. You'll be able to choose a black and white version or full color. You can also add on a printed spiral bound copy when you checkout! When you have your plan the way you like it, you can submit it to print and it will be mailed to your front door.

Why is this so cheap? This seems like a lot of value for ONLY $27.

I've already been told that I should raise the price. AND had people message me saying they thought this was a scam, because there was no way they could get all this for such a cheap price…

So why is it just $27? Because I'm in this for you. I'm not charging $10/month for an entire year. Gardening is supposed to SAVE you money. The whole point of my  business is to help you reach your goals. I honestly wouldn't be able to emotionally deal with the idea of charging more than what it's worth (plus it helps that I am married to a web developer with enough skills to make the Garden Plan for me).


Hi! I'm Sarah. I am a flower farmer florist + author.

AND I'm all about creating tools that make GROWING EASIER AND FUN.

The Garden Plan  is about giving you a plan, a path, a checklist of planting dates and tasks to focus on and when to do them , so that you can get back valuable time with the people you love the most!


The Garden Plan will make a huge difference. And don't just take my word for it…


(celebrating YOUR SUCCESS is my favorite part ❤)



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better homes and gardens plan a garden tool


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